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Nunjucks, React, Closure Templates
Amagaki is a TypeScript site generator specifically made for hand-coding high fidelity interactive marketing sites. It's smaller than Next.js or Gatsby, and offers more than Jekyll. It facilitates best practices for building content-heavy marketing sites, and it's fast.
Key concepts
TypeScript and Node
Minimal core dependencies
Inbuilt build metrics (memory usage, generated file size, routes, locales, translations)
A static site generator (not a frontend framework)
Renders pages at request time (unlike other static generators which watch and rebuild)
Localization is an inbuilt feature
Custom YAML types for extending the content layer
Benchmarking inbuilt
Separate your content (YAML, Markdown) from your templates with ease
Plugin system
Extensive hook system for adding steps throughout the lifecycle
Multiple template languages (Nunjucks as default, React, Closure Templates plugins available)
Supports CMS integration via dynamic routing
Google Sheets plugin for managing content within Google Sheets
Quick start
Amagaki is distributed as an npm package. We recommend using our starter when building marketing websites from scratch.
git clone https://github.com/blinkk/amagaki-starter
npm install
# Start the dev server
npm run dev
# Build the site
npm run build
If you are integrating into an existing project, you can install Amagaki directly.
# Install Amagaki
npm install --save @amagaki/amagaki
# Start the dev server
npx amagaki serve
# Build the site
npx amagaki build
Check out the full documentation at amagaki.dev .
Deploy to Netlify
Find more static site generators .