Jamming on the Jamstack with Matt Biilmann and Mike Neumegen — Watch live!
- Home page
- Repository
- Language:
- JavaScript
- License:
- Templates:
- Pug
Main features are:
- component driven development;
- not a SPA (single page application);
- no extra configuration required, works out of box;
- js and css per page, no global files for entire project;
- server and build environment.
Development features:
- server;
- basic routes;
- pug as template engine, markdown also supported;
- posthtml for validating html;
- jspm as third party js package manager, also gives ability to use es6;
- postcss as css pre/post-processor;
- browser-sync for browser reloading;
- my-ip-ui for quick access to project on other devices;
- linters for js and css, there is also pre-commit hook for linting.
Build features:
- automated gulp tasks, no need to configure. gulp tasks help to make project production ready;
- lint tasks
- every project’s page has it’s own html, js and css files.
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